Published 27 September 2024

We are writing to inform you about additional support we're introducing to improve communication between hub users. See bulletin 71 here.

We recognise how critical communication between hub users is for resolving challenges in the implementation of One Touch Switch (OTS). At go-live of OTS we launched the CP-to-CP tool to facilitate communications between everyone in the OTS live directory.

However, as the tool is voluntary and not everyone has signed up yet, we are introducing an interim support service to assist the industry during this transition.

You will now be able to raise a ticket via the account management portal or by sending us an email using the subject line “CP-to-CP Communications”. If we are unable to resolve your issue, we will pass the information onto the nominated organisation. We will attempt contact three times allowing for 24hours between each attempt, before closing the ticket. This interim process has been added to the Account Management How-to Guide (see page 9) here.

Please note that a ticket should only be submitted if the CP you are trying to contact is not available on the CP-to-CP tool.

While we are fully committed to supporting industry where we can, we would strongly encourage everyone to sign up for the CP-to-CP tool. The more participants we have, the more valuable the tool becomes.

If you have any questions, please contact our service desk.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for the CP-to-CP Communication Tool?

Here you can sign up for the tool.

How do I use the CP-to-CP Tool?

Here you will find a short guide on how to sign up and use the tool, along with guidance on when to use it.

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