Friday's reflections from the desk of CEO Paul Bradbury

22 March 2024

It has been another busy week, with the whole TOTSCo team working hard to deliver against our schedule.

We are preparing to onboard OTS hub users from July 10th. Our team has created comprehensive ‘user guides’ that will guide you through the entire onboarding and testing process. These are due out to you at the beginning of July.

As you may have seen, we sent out earlier this week a revised API Spec v0.5 (Bulletin No.14). We appreciate your feedback and the input of the Technical Working Group, and we are exploring the possibility of implementing additional security measures, such as an API Key and mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS), to further enhance the system’s security. We are diligently evaluating the potential impact of this option and aim to send you the final version as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to circulating next week our proposals for the charging structure. We will be seeking your views and feedback. Additionally, we will be sharing with you the outcome of the data reporting consultation.

On the important subject of engagement, we are working with several Trade Associations to engage with as many of you as possible, so we can be present to address any questions you may have and provide you with updates on our progress. This month we have been to the ISPA Conference, and I look forward to attending INCA’s conference next week, along with other members of the TOTSCo team.

Lastly, I did want to mention that the Q&As we didn’t manage to answer at the Stakeholder Forum will be placed on our Q&A section on our website.

That’s it from me for this week.  Enjoy the weekend!

All the best


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