16 June 2023
It was great to have such good attendance at the Stakeholder Forum. We shared the results of our Industry Engagement survey which has given us a tremendous amount of valuable insight. The survey, together with other engagement initiatives, has given us a useful list of industry issues which I shared at the Forum, and we look forward to addressing these issues as the project moves forward.
I’m pleased that we have sent out the highly anticipated End-to-end Encryption conclusion this week, knowing that many of you were eagerly awaiting this update. As discussed during the recent Stakeholder Forum, this decision was made after thorough consultation and meticulous consideration. We welcome continued engagement on this important subject.
We are finalising details on the security protocols of the API Specification, and also a consultation on Pricing Structure. I look forward to getting these to you very shortly.
I’m pleased to say that we’re on track to deliver the hub within the timescales we’ve shared. We’re making substantial progress towards our delivery goals, and we’re fully committed to reaching them as quickly as possible. Of course, we’ll keep you in the loop with regular updates on our progress.
It was great to introduce Debra Revens to you at the Stakeholder Forum, her role is crucial as she will be leading our efforts in understanding industry readiness. She will be reaching out to you to understand your challenges, and compiling an industry risks and issues log which we will be playing back to you at the end of July.
Speaking of readiness, we understand that the hub itself is just one piece in the puzzle for the successful delivery of OTS. That’s why we’ve created a handy readiness checklist for you. Additionally, we fully acknowledge the significance of having all the necessary information readily accessible to you. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be updating our website to include all the crucial information you need in one convenient place.
That’s it from me for this week! A big thank you once again to all of you who took part in the Stakeholder Forum. All your input is crucial in our One Touch Switch journey.
Enjoy the sunny weekend.
All the best