As we approach the Easter break and take a moment to reflect on our progress this year, it's clear that there have been significant technical and operational advancements at TOTSCo and CPs as we move towards the new plan go-live date of 12 September.
Our testing programme is progressing, with gradually increasing numbers of CPs in integration testing and trials now underway following the opening of the live production environment earlier this month. You will find the weekly progress reports on trials, along with any lessons learned, on our website. There are currently two CPs in the technical phase of trials, with more set to join next week. We anticipate the first OTS live switch will be made very soon. next week.
It's imperative that we see increased participation in onboarding and testing. On our return after Easter we will be redoubling our efforts to encourage you to start your journey with us – a process that only takes 5 minutes initially. Why not do it today – here is the link to onboard. For those who have already onboarded, we'll be reaching out to get your testing process started.
I was delighted to host over 55 organisations at this month's Stakeholder Forum. As usual, it was a dynamic forum covering a variety of topics, including discussions on the revised plan go-live date, industry trials, updates to the TOTSCo board, and finished with the exciting announcement of our new website.
At next month’s stakeholder forum, we'll be directing our attention towards the initial phases of testing in our simulator and integration environments to assist those of you who have yet to embark on your journey. Please feel free to email us with any questions or points of clarification you may have.
Finally, I'd like to extend my best wishes to our board member, Justin Hornby (Medium Retail Providers constituency) as he leaves Vodafone. We warmly welcome Anne Hoitink from Utility Warehouse as his successor.
As we have received multiple applications for Gita’s position as the New Infrastructure Providers constituency director we will conduct an election process and announce Gita’s successor in April. Until then, Gita will continue to serve on the TOTSCo board.
If you want to know more about the role of a Constituency Director, please visit our website.
That’s all from me folks, have a great easter weekend.