Here we share key OTS hub data, including switch orders, match rates, and message counts. This provides industry with valuable insights for tracking performance, identifying issues, and improving operational efficiency. Data is updated regularly for easy access and analysis.
Click here to view the list of 313 brands currently in the Live Production Directory.
These lists are updated regularly. Last updated 10 February 2025.
Last updated 10 February 2025 9.00am
We provide information on the number of switches placed and completed (i.e. switch order triggers that have been placed and confirmed) to give a clear picture of the volumes being processed through OTS, demonstrating its growing usage and impact.
For convenience, this data is also available in Excel format, making it easy for you to review and use as needed.
Here you will find the raw data used to create the graphs showing the switch orders placed and completed.
This data is updated monthly, next update due 4 March 2025
This data shows all OTS messages that were sent by users via the TOTSCo Hub during January.
This data shows all response codes that were included in residentialSwitchMatchFailure /residentialSwitchOrderFailure / residentialSwitchOrderUpdateFailure / residentialSwitchOrderTriggerFailure / residentialSwitchOrderCancellationFailure messages sent via the TOTSCo Hub during the specified time period.
Here is the data showing all the response codes by failure message type including December 2024 and January 2025.
Latency is the time elapsed between a message entering and being placed in the queue to leave the hub.
The numbers in red relates to the number of messages that breached the 1000ms SLA.