One Touch Switch go-live is in just over 3 months. While it is great to see that we have a group of pioneers who are making great progress, we've noticed that many organisations are yet to begin testing.
This week we have reached out to them to better understand their go-live plans and help them get started. We have already received some interesting replies, and all responses will help us refine our approach. If you haven't started yet, please take action. Our goal is to ensure we're fully prepared to support you when you're ready.
Last week, we published the latest version of the TOTSCo Path to OTS Go-Live via Bulletin 61. This update includes enhanced integration exit criteria, detailed information on Production Implementation Testing (PIT), and important deadlines for joining and completing activities. Following this publication, I'm delighted to see a flurry of enquiries and requests to book PIT tests. Keep the enquiries coming!
In trials, 17 end-to-end OTS switches have now completed, with many more underway, and an accelerating rate of activity. This gives us continued reassurance that the OTS process is functioning as expected and is great news for the industry as we approach the OTS go-live. You can stay updated on our weekly industry trial progress by checking out our updates here, where we highlight ongoing developments and our current focus.
That’s all from me this week.
Have a great weekend,