
Technical, Process & Testing Documents

Here are all the technical, process & testing documents you will need to implement One Touch Switch. If you have any questions or need support, send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Hub Testing Documents

For data and privacy purposes, our testing documents can be accessed via the Account Management Portal. Any questions? Please contact us on [email protected]. Here are the documents you will need for testing:
Subject Area Document Title
Testing Documents
Simulator Testing TOTSCo Hub FQDN and IP Addresses v5
TOTSCo Hub Test Cases 4.9
Integration Testing TOTSCo Hub FQDN and IP Addresses v5
TOTSCo Generic Industry Test Scenarios – this document is available only via the Service Desk ([email protected]).

Technical and Process Documents

We’ve identified a set of essential documents called ‘mandatory’ that everyone involved in the OTS process must become familiar with.

Additionally, we have a collection of advisory documents, thoughtfully created by industry participants with TOTSCo’s facilitation to offer industry guidance. It’s crucial to note that these documents do not serve as legal or regulatory advice, nor do they bear the endorsement of Ofcom, ICO, or TOTSCo. As a result, they will consistently undergo updates and enhancements to evolve and better cater to the industry’s requirements.

Documentation Change Requests

If you would like to raise a ‘change request’ for any mandatory document, please review the OTS Industry Change Control Process below. Then, complete the OTS Request for Change Form and submit it to us. If you have comments on the advisory documents or any questions, feel free to reach out at [email protected].

Subject Area Document Title Current Version Clean Document Marked-up Document
Mandatory Documents
Technical Specification TOTSCo API Specification 1.1a Access Access
OTS Message Specification 1.1c Access Access
OTS Response Codes 1.0 Access
OTS Process OTS Industry Process 4.3 Access Access
OTS Industry Process Flows 4.3 Access
One Touch Switch Message Delivery Policies 1.0 Access
Advisory Documents
Best Practice Guides OTS Matching Best Practice Guide 1.0a Access Access
OTS Additional Guidance on Exception Scenarios Best Practice Guide 1.0 Access Access
OTS Message Examples 1.1a Access Access
OTS Match Request and Response Scenarios Matrix 1.0 Access
OTS Open Order Best Practice Guide 1.0 Access Access
The OTS Number Porting and Intra-Network Transfers Best Practice Guide 1.1 Access Access
OTS Best Practice Guide for switching where a telecare alarm is present - produced by OTA2 1.4 Access
Bulletins containing advisory information Guidance on dates in One Touch Switch messages Bulletin 73 Access
Revised Guidance on Receiving HTTP Messages from the HUB Bulletin 67 Access
Guidance on JSON Validation Bulletin 59 Access
Guidance on formatting of the address element of match requests Bulletin 47 Access

Archive Documents

We've featured all archived documents to provide a complete record of change history of the documentation above. 

The OTS Number Porting and Intra-Network Transfers Best Practice Guide v1.0

The release of OTS Number Porting and Intra-Network Transfers Best Practice Guide v1.0 is released for industry. The document provides best practice guidance on aligning the number port process with OTS.

The OTS NBICS and Number Porting Best Practice Guide v0.2

The OTS NBICS and Number Porting Best Practice Guide v0.2 is released for industry feedback. The document provides best practice guidance on aligning the number port process with OTS. Please provide any comments to [email protected] by 01/12/2023.

One Touch Switch Message Specification v1.1b

We have corrected a small error in the status field on page 27.

OTS Message Examples v0.1
FEEDBACK – requested by 3 November 2023 to [email protected]
This document serves as a reference guide for constructing messages tailored to specific scenarios and service combinations, with a primary focus on match requests and match confirmations.

OTS Message Examples v1.0

FEEDBACK – requested by 10 November 2023 to [email protected]

The Additional Guidance on Exception Scenarios now serves as a guide specifically designed to cover the remaining scenarios that did not naturally fit into the other best practice guides.

OTS Additional Guidance on Exception Scenarios Best Practice Guide v0.4

FEEDBACK – requested by 10 November 2023 to [email protected]

The Additional Guidance on Exception Scenarios now serves as a guide specifically designed to cover the remaining scenarios that did not naturally fit into the other best practice guides.

TOTSCo API Specification v1.1

TOTSCo can confirm the release of TOTSCo Hub API Specification v1.1. This document contains the additional API keys and mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) security implementation options.

Please note that API Key and mTLS will be available in our test environments from 20 October.

OTS Open Orders Best Practice Guide v0.2

This document focuses on customers who have an open order with their LRCP when the try to match or switch.

OTS Matching Best Practice Guide v1.0

The OTS Matching Best Practice Guide provides guidance on the matching stage of the OTS process with a particular focus on address matching and suggestions of how to implement matching algorithms.

One Touch Switch Match Request and Response Scenarios Matrix v0.3

The Match Request and Response Scenarios provides a matrix of combinations of information that can be included in a match request along with the expected failure or confirmation outcome.

One Touch Switch Response Codes v0.4

The Response Codes list has been updated to include new codes for failure scenarios that have been identified by the group and has added additional guidance for how to proceed in the event each code is received.

OTS Matching Best Practice Guide v0.3

The OTS Matching Best Practice Guide provides guidance on the matching stage of the OTS process with a particular focus on address matching and suggestions of how to implement matching algorithms.

One Touch Switch Message Specification v1.1

This document explains the OTS messaging formats and how they are used. Crucial information for the technical experts to make sure your messages are coded correctly to enable the OTS process to work.

One Touch Switch Response Codes V.0.3

This document contains a list of response codes to be included in any failure messages you would send as a losing provider as well as any message delivery failure notifications sent by the hub.

One Touch Switch Message Specification v1.1a

We have corrected a small error in the definition of UPRN.

TOTSCo Hub Test Cases v4.1

Here are the TOTSCo Hub Test Cases v4.1 which lists the different test case examples, TOTSCo would like all Communication Providers (CP’s) Hub Users to test. This will allow CP’s to test their secure and authorised connections to the TOTSCo API Service, as well as all expected responses to all calls the CP API services make to the TOTSCo API service.

TOTSCo Hub API Specification v1.0

TOTSCo can confirm the release of TOTSCo Hub API Specification v1.0. This document contains the Directory API and oAuth2 security implementation.

Following industry feedback, we will be adding the security implementation options to use API keys and mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) when connecting to the hub. A further API Spec featuring these additions will be released in due course.

One Touch Switch Message Specification V1.0

This document explains the OTS messaging formats and how they are used. Crucial information for the technical experts to make sure your messages are coded correctly to enable the OTS process to work.

One Touch Switch Industry Process Flows V4.1

The OTS process flows are a visual representation of the One Touch Switch Industry Process.

One Touch Switch Industry Process V4.2

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the complete industry process for One Touch Switch (OTS). It is essential for all suppliers offering fixed voice and broadband services to understand the OTS process from start to finish to effectively enable the OTS process.

TOTSCo Hub API Specification V0.5 REVISED

Following a thorough review of our security protocols, considering industry feedback and insights from our Technical Working Group, we are releasing a revised API Specification V0.5.

TOTSCo Hub API Specification V0.5

This document features the finalised Letterbox API specification, including envelope elements and the validation process. We are diligently working towards finalising the directory API and security implementation, and we will issue a definitive version as soon as this process is completed.

TOTSCo Hub API Specification V0.2

This document features the draft envelope structure as well as a draft Directory Letterbox API specification. Vital information for technical experts as it provides the guidance needed to effectively interface with the TOTSCo Hub.

RFP Technical Design V.0.3.0
One Touch Switch Industry Process V4.1
One Touch Switch Developers Guide V.0.0.1
One Touch Switch Developers Guide V.0.3
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