TOTSCo Company Information

Here, we highlight important company information, including the TOTSCo Management Report 2023. This report details our activities and successes over the period, as well as our full-year accounts for the year ending 31 March 2023.

TOTSCo was established by the UK telecommunications industry in June 2022, to deliver fixed voice and broadband switching processes.

In the 18 months since incorporation, we have made enormous progress towards achieving this purpose and enabling communications providers to offer One Touch Switch (OTS) and other switching processes to their customers.

The TOTSCo Management Report 2023 details our activities and successes during the period which have contributed to the achievement of our purpose.

Here you will find our full-year accounts for year ending 31 March 2023.

Here you will find our TOTSCo Final Budget for Financial Year 2024/25.

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